projectdoc Toolbox

Organizing documents in a hierarchical manner is sometimes very helpful to help readers to orientate in the documentation. The children section automatically lists the child documents, usually with the name and short description.

It is often helpful to organize documents in a hierarchical manner. For some document types there is a natural hierarchy.


Roles, for instance, may be divided in team and user roles. The team role may be subdivided into testers, architects and developers. Developers may be further split into front-end, service and storage developers. Define the roles as they fit to your project.

To list the children, use the Display Table Macro. Consider using the list representation, if you only want to show the name and short description. This representation is usually shorter and easier to read.


Some document types may have different names for this section. The are typically called subordinate elements of a given doctype like "Subordinate Topics" or "Subordinate Roles".

Document types may add additional sections selecting child documents of other document types or selection criteria.