projectdoc Toolbox

The number of hits for document queries is limited due to performance reasons.

Level of Experience

Some macros of the projectdoc Toolbox allow to query for documents and render them on a page. The projectdoc Toolbox provided tools to create documentation for human readers, therefore it does not support per default lists or tables with more lines or rows than fit on a page.

Confluence Data Center Support

Confluence Data Center requires that the result sets of queries is limited.

Since version 6.0.0 the number of hits to be rendered is limited to 100 per default.

Handling of Overflows

Macros of the projectdoc Toolbox do not support paging. Since human readable documentation should be exportable to PDF, paging cannot be supported. Otherwise the export process for the PDF would have to run without restrictions. This is not allowed in Confluence Data Center.

Currently a macro renders a warning above the query result to show that only the allowed number of hits are rendered. The message shows how large the result set is.

For pure online information systems, without the need to export PDF, paging would be handy. In future versions of the projectdoc Toolbox macros may support paging.


Administrators may update the number of allowed hits per query in the administration view.

Choose wisely!


Confluence installations with lots of resources and only a small number of users may set the limit at a higher number.

It is recommended to stay with the defaults, if it cannot be granted that enough resources are available. Otherwise the user experience may suffer dramatically.

For more information on query configuration for the projectdoc Toolbox, please visit Query Configuration.


More information on this topic is available by the following resources.

Query Configuration
Controls the parameter to use for running queries with the projectdoc Toolbox.
Search Tips
Tips on specifying search queries for Lucene. This also applies to projectdoc's query macros.