projectdoc Toolbox

Doctypes that help to write modular documentation and therefore support single sourcing.

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Writing modular documentation helps to organize the collaboration of teams on documentation. There is no need to synchronize the work of a number of team members when working on some documents. Separate the topics into different modules so that each member works on its own set. If multiple team members have to work on the same set of documents, having modules at least reduces the number of clashes where two team mates have to edit the same document at the same time.

Writing modular documentation is hard. So expect to learn a lot on your way. (smile)


List of document types to define categories valid for all document types.

#NameShort Description
Associates two documents.
Describes an information need and use this description as a basis to create and maintain a document.
A documentation module is a fragment which is usually transcluded by other documents. The lifetime of a module document is independent of the lifetimes of the documents that reference it.
Profiles provide views on documents via delegation.
Sections of a document are typically part of a document. But the size of sections may vary. To support a team to write collaboratively on the documentation, a larger document may be subdivided into external section documents.
Describes a single step of an activity. A step is a generic document that is associated with a document that describes a process. It may be a test log or a howto.
A description of a given topic. A topic may describing or explaining a concept, a task to accomplish or a reference. There are a couple of topic types that set the expectations for the reader. Instances of the topic doctype usually have independent lifetimes from any referencing documents.