projectdoc Toolbox

The property references the higher ranked document, typically of the same type as the child document. Usually the parent is a more general form of the child or is in some other ways a structuring instance.


The Parent property references the higher ranked document, typically of the same type as the child document. Usually the parent is a more general form of the child or is in some other ways a structuring instance.

In searches it sometimes proofs helpful to select documents with the same parent. It is also convenient to select documents by a more general type (such as give me all managers, where some managers are tagged as product owners, others as agile masters.


For some document types there is a natural name that fits better than the generic term 'Parent'. It is none-the-less beneficial to stay with the generic term. This way you may define queries having instances of different doctypes in the result set and display their parents in the parent column.

If the alternative name is so much more meaningful than the generic term 'Parent' you may hide the parent line in the document properties table and add an additional line that refers to the Parent property (or the other way round). Please make sure that the referencing property is in a later line than the referenced property. Use the Display Document Property Macro for referencing.

Types call this property typically Superordinate Type.


Related information to the parent property.

Parent Property Macro
Renders the property of the parent document, if it has the same doctype.
Parent Property of projectdoc Documents
projectdoc documents typically provide a property named 'Parent Property'. This property refers to a logical parent. This tip shows what this is all about.