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- Created by Robert Reiner, last modified on 01. Oct 2020
projectdoc Toolbox
Adds a refactor menu and checks the current document for property issues.
- Tags
- Identifier
- Type
- Repository
- Since
- 1.0
The userscriptruns checks on the properties specified in the properties table of the projectdoc document. If the check finds issues, a report is rendered on the top of the current page.
It add a menu with actions to clean this document and its children.
The code of the script for reference.
/* * Copyright 2019-2024 Kronseder & Reiner GmbH, smartics * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ "use strict"; AJS.toInit(function () { const logToConsole = true; if (logToConsole) { AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Refactoring tools ..."); } const $propertiesMarker = AJS.$(".projectdoc-document-element.properties"); if (!$propertiesMarker.length) { if (logToConsole) AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Not a projectdoc document. Quitting."); return; } const findMessageContainer = function () { let $messageContainer = AJS.$("#messageContainer"); if ($messageContainer.length) { const $li = AJS.$("<li></li>"); $messageContainer.append($li); return $li; } $messageContainer = AJS.$("#action-messages"); if ($messageContainer.length) { return $messageContainer; } $messageContainer = AJS.$("#full-height-container"); return $messageContainer; }; const setTooltip = function ($element, text) { AJS.$($element).tooltip({ title: function () { return text; } }); }; const showMessageIn = function ($messages, title, $content, type) { if ($messages.length) { const $message = AJS.$("<div></div>"); $message.addClass("aui-message aui-message-" + type); const $title = AJS.$("<p></p>"); $title.addClass("title"); const $titleSpan = AJS.$("<strong></strong>"); $titleSpan.text(title); $title.append($titleSpan); $message.append($title); $message.append($content); $messages.append($message); } else { AJS.log("Failed to locate element with " + dialogId + " to render messages"); } }; const showMessage = function (dialogId, title, $content, type) { const $messages = AJS.$("#" + dialogId); showMessageIn($messages, title, $content, type); }; const addTableRow = function ($table, typeName, originalValue, cleanedValue) { if (originalValue) { const $tr = AJS.$('<tr></tr>'); $tr.append(AJS.$('<th class="confluenceTh">' + typeName + '</th>')); const $tdOriginal = AJS.$('<td class="confluenceTd"></td>'); $tdOriginal.text(originalValue); $tr.append($tdOriginal); const $tdCleaned = AJS.$('<td class="confluenceTd"></td>'); $tdCleaned.text(cleanedValue); $tr.append($tdCleaned); $table.append($tr); } }; const removeOldMessage = function ($messageContainer) { if ($messageContainer) { const $oldMessage = $messageContainer.find("#userscript-document-report"); if ($oldMessage) { $oldMessage.remove(); } } }; const renderReport = function (baseUrl, title, report) { if (!report) { return; } const pageReports = report["page-reports"]; const issueCount = report["issue-count"]; if (issueCount <= 0) { if (pageReports) { if (logToConsole) AJS.log(AJS.format("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Checked {0} pages, found no properties with issues according to configured checks!", pageReports.length)); } else { AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Invalid report returned."); } return; } if (logToConsole) AJS.log(AJS.format("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Checked {0} pages, found {1} properties with issues according to configured checks!", pageReports.length, issueCount)); const $messageContainer = findMessageContainer(); if ($messageContainer.length) { const isOnePageReport = pageReports.length == 1; const $message = AJS.$('<div id="userscript-document-report" class="aui-message aui-message-error">\n' + '<p class="title">\n' + ' <strong>' + title + '</strong>\n' + '</p>\n' + // '<p>The following issues have been encountered.</p>\n' + // '<h3>Invalid Properties</h3>\n' + (isOnePageReport ? '<p>This page contains ' + issueCount + ' properties with issues.</p>\n' : '<p>Checked ' + pageReports.length + ' pages, found ' + issueCount + ' properties with issues according to configured checks.</p>\n') + '<div id="userscript-document-report-issues"></div>\n' + '</div>'); const $divReport = AJS.$($message).find("#userscript-document-report-issues"); if ($divReport.length) { AJS.$.each(pageReports, function (index, pageReport) { if (logToConsole) AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Processing page report: " + JSON.stringify(pageReport)); const $reportItem = AJS.$('<div></div>'); if (!isOnePageReport) { $reportItem.append(AJS.$('<h3><a href="' + baseUrl + "/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=" + pageReport["page-id"] + '">' + pageReport["page-title"] + '</a></h3>')); } else { $reportItem.append("<div/>"); } const $propertiesIssues = AJS.$('<div></div>'); $propertiesIssues.append("<div/>"); AJS.$.each(pageReport["issues"], function (index, propertyIssues) { if (isOnePageReport) { $propertiesIssues.append(AJS.$('<h3>' + propertyIssues["property-name"] + '</h3>')); } else { $propertiesIssues.append(AJS.$('<h4>' + propertyIssues["property-name"] + '</h4>')); } const $issuesTable = AJS.$('<table class="confluenceTable"></table>'); addTableRow($issuesTable, "Name", propertyIssues["original-name"], propertyIssues["cleaned-name"]); addTableRow($issuesTable, "Value", propertyIssues["original-value"], propertyIssues["cleaned-value"]); addTableRow($issuesTable, "Controls", propertyIssues["original-controls"], propertyIssues["cleaned-controls"]); $propertiesIssues.append($issuesTable); }); $reportItem.append($propertiesIssues); $divReport.append($reportItem); }); $divReport.append(AJS.$('<p>For property values not to be altered by the document cleaning process, apply the <a href="https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/x/DoDsAg">preserve</a> property control.</p>')); const $mainButtons = AJS.$("<div class='buttons-container' style='margin-top: 1em;'></div>"); $divReport.append($mainButtons); const $submit = AJS.$("<button class='aui-button aui-button-primary' id='userscript-document-report-clean-button'><span class=\"aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-upload\">" + AJS.I18n.getText('de.smartics.userscripts.button.delete.icon') + "</span> Clean now</button>"); setTooltip($submit, "Clean document, removing the reported issues."); AJS.$($submit).on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); removeOldMessage($messageContainer); const $spinner = AJS.$('<div id="userscript-document-report"><h4>Cleaning document</h4></div>'); $spinner.append(AJS.$('<p>Removing issues from document properties ...</p>')); $spinner.append(AJS.$('<aui-spinner size="large"></aui-spinner>')); $spinner.append(AJS.$('<p style="margin-bottom: 2em;"><em>(The page will be reloaded once the cleaning process is finished.)</em></p>')); $messageContainer.append($spinner); cleanDocumentAction(); }); $mainButtons.append($submit); removeOldMessage($messageContainer); $messageContainer.append($message); } else { AJS.log(AJS.format("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Failed to locate own list by ID #userscript-document-report-issues! Skipping report ...")); } } else { AJS.log(AJS.format("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Failed to locate message container on page with ID #messageContainer! Skipping report ...")); } }; const cleanDocument = function (reportOnly, includeChildren, reload) { const pageId = AJS.Meta.get('page-id'); const baseUrl = AJS.Meta.get('base-url'); const serviceUrl = baseUrl + "/rest/projectdoc/1/service/cleanup?id-list=" + pageId + (reportOnly ? "&report-only=true" : "&comment=Document+clean+process") + (includeChildren ? "&include-children=true" : ""); AJS.$.ajax({ url: serviceUrl, type: "POST", dataType: 'json', contentType: "application/json", data: "" }).success(function (data) { if (logToConsole) AJS.log((reportOnly ? 'Checked' : 'Cleaned') + ' document ' + pageId + ' successfully!'); if (logToConsole) AJS.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); if (reportOnly) { const report = data["report"]; renderReport(baseUrl, "Property Cleaning Report", report); } if (reload) { location.reload(); } }).error(function (jqXHR, textStatus) { AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Error " + (reportOnly ? "checking" : "cleaning") + " document: " + jqXHR.status + " (" + textStatus + ")"); if (!reportOnly) { const $messageContainer = findMessageContainer(); removeOldMessage($messageContainer); showMessageIn($messageContainer, "Error", AJS.$("<p>Failed to clean document (" + jqXHR.status + " / " + textStatus + ").</p>"), "error"); } // alert("Failed to clean document: " + jqXHR.status + " (" + textStatus + ")"); }); }; const reindexCurrentSpace = function () { const spaceKey = AJS.Meta.get('space-key'); const baseUrl = AJS.Meta.get('base-url'); const serviceUrl = baseUrl + "/rest/projectdoc-internal/1/indexer/spaces?body-only=true&spaceKeys=" + spaceKey; AJS.$.ajax({ url: serviceUrl, type: "POST", dataType: 'json', contentType: "application/json", data: "", statusCode: { 202: function (xhr) { AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Reindex space " + spaceKey + " successfully started: " + JSON.stringify(xhr)); const message = "Successfully started reindexing current space (" + spaceKey + "). <p>Job: " + xhr.responseText + "</p>"; AJS.flag({ type: 'info', close: 'auto', body: message }); } } }).success(function (data) { if (logToConsole) AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Reindex space " + spaceKey + " successfully started: " + JSON.stringify(data)); }).error(function (jqXHR, textStatus) { if (jqXHR.status != 202) { AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Error reindexing space " + spaceKey + " (" + jqXHR.status + " / " + textStatus + ")!"); } }); }; const cleanDocumentAction = function () { cleanDocument(false, false, true); } const reportAction = function () { cleanDocument(true, false, false); } const cleanDocumentsAction = function () { cleanDocument(false, true, true); } const createMenu = function () { const menuId = "refactor"; const sectionId = "projectdoc-refactor-menu-clean"; const $mainMenu = USERSCRIPT4C_MENU.createMenu(menuId, "Refactor"); USERSCRIPT4C_MENU.registerMenu("view.menu", $mainMenu, "inspect"); // In case you need to append the menu to an element identified by a selector, use this: // USERSCRIPT4C_MENU.registerBySelector($mainMenu, "#my-id"); USERSCRIPT4C_MENU.addSection(menuId, { id: sectionId, label: "Clean", weight: 10 }); USERSCRIPT4C_MENU.addMenuItem(sectionId, { id: "projectdoc-menu-refactor-item-document-clean-document", label: "Clean document", weight: "100" }, cleanDocumentAction); USERSCRIPT4C_MENU.addMenuItem(sectionId, { id: "projectdoc-menu-refactor-item-space-clean-documents", label: "Clean with child documents", weight: "200" }, cleanDocumentsAction); const reindexSectionId = "projectdoc-refactor-menu-reindex"; USERSCRIPT4C_MENU.addSection(menuId, { id: reindexSectionId, label: "Reindex", weight: 20 }); USERSCRIPT4C_MENU.addMenuItem(reindexSectionId, { id: "projectdoc-menu-refactor-item-space-reindex", label: "Reindex current space", weight: "100" }, reindexCurrentSpace); return createMenu; } if (logToConsole) AJS.log("[projectdoc-refactor-document] Adding refactoring menu ..."); createMenu(); reportAction(); });
More information on using this userscript.
The report renders each document property with all issues concerning the name, value , and controls.
The issues found on the current page can be resolve immediately by clicking the "Clean now" button.
The refactor menu currently shows the following entries.
Related Scripts
Name | Short Description |
Hide projectdoc Tools | Removes projectdoc tools (blueprints and macros) from the current page. |
Inspect Menu for projectdoc | Renders a menu with tools to inspect information from a projectdoc document, shown in the browser. |
projectdoc Search Tool | Provides an interface to specify and launch queries for projectdoc documents. |
More information on this topic is available by the following resources.
- Document Cleanup
- Runs a projectdoc cleanup on the referenced document.
- preserve
- Prevents cleanup services from applying their changes to name, value, and controls of a property.