projectdoc Toolbox

Controls whether a JSON fragment should be rendered as attribute to a Confluence Page with all Document Properties.

Default Value
Value Range
@none, @all, List of Property Names

In case the properties on a page should be made available for further processing, this property allows to select the properties to provide by their names.

The format of the JSON file is simple: There is an object properties with each property as attribute (name/value pairs as strings).

The JSON file is Base64 encoded and stored as the value of an HTML attribute.

The HTML Fragment to store the JSON File
<span class="projectdoc-data" data-properties-as-json="eyJwcm9wZXJ0aWVzIjp7IlNob3J0IERlc2NyaXB0aW9uIjoiQSB0ZXN0IGRlc2NyaXB0aW9uIHRvIHRoZSBkb2N1bWVudCIsIk5hbWUiOiJUZXN0IERvY3VtZW50In19"></span>
Format of the JSON File
{"properties":{"Short Description":"A test description to the document","Name":"Test Document"}}

All Properties = All Properties!


All properties are exported regardless of any controls.

Even if it is set to hide.


The main use case for the additional property information is to provide them with the HTML Export. To generate the properties only on rendering the HTML Export version of a page, use


If it should only be rendered in the View version, use


Specify the names of the properties to export:

projectdoc.render-properties-map=Name,Short Desription

In case all properties should be exported, that have a rendered representation on a page use @all.


If nothing should be generated, simply do not specify the property. Alternatively use @none as value.