- Created by Robert Reiner, last modified on 01. Oct 2020
projectdoc Toolbox
There are basically five ways to render navigation links with additional properties with the projectdoc Toolbox.
- Parent
- Audience
- Level of Experience
- Expected Duration
- 15 min
- Tags
- Type
The projectdoc Toolbox makes it easy to display links with additional information from the document's properties. Especially the short description is often used to inform the reader what the document the link points to is all about.
This short tip lists all macros that support navigation.
The projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence provides the following macros to render navigation links.
- Tour Macro
- Renders a predefined list of documents in a table.
- Tour-by-Property Macro
- Renders a predefined list of documents in a table . Documents are selected by a document property. Allows to select document properties for columns. Also non-list representations are provided.
- Display Document Properties Macro
- Renders a template with property references.
- Display Table Macro
- Lists references to projectdoc documents in a table. Allows to select document properties for columns. Also non-list representations are provided.
- Display List Macro
- Lists references to projectdoc documents in a list. List contain names and optional short descriptions.
In addition to the name of the document, any property or section may be displayed for the link.
Static Links
The first way to add links to other documents to support navigation for users is to manually list them. Using the Tour Macro, the Tour-by-Property Macro, or the Display Document Properties Macro the links may also display additional properties from the document the link points to.
Tour Macro
The Tour Macro supports a table where each additional property is rendered in a table column.
In the example above the first column has the title of the documents to point to as links. The second column will render the short description of the documents the links point to. There may be any number of columns. The column containing the links does not need to be the first column.
Tour-by-Property Macro
In case you also need to access the linked documents in queries, you already have the list of documents to point to as a value to a document property.
Properties are part of the Document Properties Marker Macro every projectdoc blueprint provides.
Display Document Properties Macro
If there is only one link to render, the Display Document Properties Macro is doing the job.
Using the template
$[Name] - ${Short Description} (${Audience})
the rendered links shows up like this:
Dynamic Links
So far the links for navigation have been explicitly specified. In case you want to specify a subject or category and list all links that match this specification, you'll employ dynamic links (aka automatic links).
Display Table Macro
The Display Table Macro allows to specify a query and list documents with a given set of properties.
The Display Table Macro can be configured to render the list of document links in alternative representations or apply style information. Please refer to Render Mode for details.
Display List Macro
The Display List Macro is similar to the Display Table Macro, but is rendering the result set of document links as a list.
With version 1.17 of the projectdoc Toolbox there will be the Display List Template Macro that allows to have more control over what is rendered in the name and data parts of definition lists.
Information on related topics.
- Short Description
- The short description describes the content of the document. This information is typically displayed in document lists, where the name is rendered side by side with the short description.
- Writing Short Descriptions
- Benefits of and tips on writing short descriptions.
- Display Table Macro
- Lists references to projectdoc documents in a table. Allows to select document properties for columns. Also non-list representations are provided.
- Display List Macro
- Lists references to projectdoc documents in a list. List contain names and optional short descriptions.
- Tour Macro
- Renders a predefined list of documents in a table.
- Tour-by-Property Macro
- Renders a predefined list of documents in a table . Documents are selected by a document property. Allows to select document properties for columns. Also non-list representations are provided.
- Display Document Properties Macro
- Renders a template with property references.
- Dynamic Links
- Build a navigation to related and associated information by the use of document properties and dynamic linking.