projectdoc Toolbox

The property that stores the names of doctypes to take as space properties extensions into account, if found as children if the document this property is defined in.

Data Type

Allow each space property extension to define a list of doctypes whose properties will be automatically included as space properties (if the document is a child to the delegating document).

Properties not yet defined are set by delegates, no property that is already set to a non-blank value will be overridden.

This allows to define an extension for a version and automatically gobble all properties of documents of a given type.


The references pages should define mutual exclusive properties, since the order of inclusion is not defined.


Space Properties Extension
Links to documents that contain additional space properties. The order of the references to documents is important. The first location a value for a property is found, defines the value to the property. Later reference cannot override that value.
Space Properties Extension Pattern
Stores the regular expression pattern to create a reference to a space properties extension.