projectdoc Toolbox

Subdocuments are associated with the lifetime of the parent document. The section doctype is the most generic type of document, but there are others, that are specific to a certain doctype.

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Subdocuments are associated with the lifetime of the parent document. The section doctype is the most generic type of document, but there are others, that are specific to a certain doctype. The main purpose is to divide the information of one document into smaller pieces that can be handled more easily.

A document of any type may be a subordinate document of another. But the doctypes introduced here have a very close relationship to the parent document. The title, not the name, of the document is extended with the name of the parent document. This makes it easier to create unique titles within the space.


Suppose you want to write a section in your document that you want to call "Introduction". Only one document in your space may have this name. The name would be of no relevance to the space as long as the section is part of the document (e.g. using the Section Macro). But if you intend to move that section to its own document, you would have to invent a name that is unique for the space. Subdocument remove the burden of making the name unique by appending the name of the parent document. So if you have two documents "Birds" and "Cats", the introduction documents will be automatically titled with "Introduction - Birds" and "Introduction - Cats", while the name of the documents will still be "Introduction". Therefore, if you list the subdocuments, the name will be as expected, without the artificial extension.

But should document names not be unique? Usually they should, but subdocuments are an exception since they are not independent of other types. Therefore you will usually find no homepages for subdocument doctypes.


List of document types to define categories valid for all document types.

#NameShort DescriptionTarget Type
Associates two documents.
Excerpts are abstracts of information found in a resource, such as a book. If you want to go into more detail for a given resource, there may be multiple excerpts as subpages of the resource document.
Profiles provide views on documents via delegation.
Sections of a document are typically part of a document. But the size of sections may vary. To support a team to write collaboratively on the documentation, a larger document may be subdivided into external section documents.
Describes a single step of an activity. A step is a generic document that is associated with a document that describes a process. It may be a test log or a howto.