projectdoc Toolbox

Lists the names of all properties, excluding projectdoc metadata properties, of a projectdoc document.

document property is a name/value pair that is defined in a projectdoc Document. A property name identifies a property within a document.

The list of property names contains all names of properties that are defined with a given projectdoc document.


The property is useful to list all documents that define a specific property name.

Related Document Properties

The following artificial document properties also define names in a projectdoc document.

NameShort DescriptionData TypeSince
projectdoc IDs for Document Parts
Lists all used part identifier of a given projectdoc document.
Content Identifiers
projectdoc Macro Parameter Names
Lists the parameter names of all macros on a projectdoc document.
Macro Parameter Names
projectdoc Property Values
Lists the values of all properties, excluding projectdoc metadata properties, of a projectdoc document.
projectdoc Tags for Document Parts
Lists all used part identifier classes or tags of a given projectdoc document.

The following artificial document properties refer to property names from a projectdoc document.

NameShort DescriptionData TypeSince
projectdoc Display in Property Name References
Lists the names of all properties that are referenced by a given projectdoc document via display property macros.
Property Names
projectdoc Property Name References
Lists the names of all properties that are referenced by a given projectdoc document.
Property Names
projectdoc Select in Property Name References
Lists the names of all properties that are referenced by Select parameters in a projectdoc document.
Property Names
projectdoc Sort By in Property Name References
Lists the names of all properties that are referenced by a given projectdoc document in Sort By parameters.
Property Names
projectdoc Where in Property Name References
Lists the names of all properties that are referenced by Where parameters in a projectdoc document.
Property Names