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projectdoc Toolbox

Lists the configuration options at space level.

Space properties allow to configure projectdoc per-space.

The central properties are those that define the Delegate Space and the Search Space. But every macro may also provide defaults here that are taken into account if not overridden in the macro configuration. This way documentation architects may provide defaults (e.g. for colours or other rendering options particular macros provide), so that document authors do not have to bother with this styling issues.


An example may be a highlighting macro where authors may select a theme or rendering style. If this style is not set to the default, every author would have to select the property style for the code macro. With space properties, the code macro should be set to 'Space Default' so that the decision of styles is propagated to the space configuration.


Since version 1.11 space property values may reference other space properties. Use the placeholder syntax to create these references. Note that these references are only enforced within the Document Properties Marker Macro of the space homepage (that is: only available for space properties). If you need to refer to a space property value within a page then use the Display Space Property Macro.


Note that templates are resolved on request time, while the use of display macros are resolved at document save time. That also includes that documents cannot be queried by resolved template values. So if you need to query documents per property value, you need to use tools to resolve values at save time, not request time.

Naming Convention

Space properties are defined in the homepage of a space in the document properties table. To distinguish space properties from document properties there is a naming convention:

  1. Document Property Names start with a capital letter and are human readable. That is they may contain spaces, e.g. "My Document Property".
  2. Space Property Names start with a lower case letter and are tokens. That is they are separated by dashes, e.g "my-space-property".
  3. Break convention number 2 if you specify a value from your domain as a space property.
NameShort DescriptionT
Apply Properties to Content
Controls the replacement of placeholders with the Content Marker Macro and the Section Macro.
Autocomplete Active Constraint
Controls an additional constraint to filter on the names returned by the Autocomplete Service. The constraint selects on the documents that provide names, not on the names itself.
Autoconvert Check Resources
Set the default value for macro parameters controlling the checking of the referenced resource.
Autoconvert Hint
List of space property names that refer to a remote information system URL. Elements of the list may be specifier with a system ID and a system type.
list of strings
Caching Fragments
Activates the page fragment cache for a space.
Toggles checking the existence of resources.
Code Attachment Title Strategy
Controls the title shown in code boxes rendered by macros in the Information Systems Extension.
Code Language
Specifies the default language to be passed to the Code Block Macro.
Counter Column Header
Controls the label for all counter columns of a space.
Debug Access Mode
Controls constraints on when debug rendering is conducted.
Debug Mode
Controls the rendering of documentation debug information.
Default Group Name Pattern
Specifies for the name pattern the default group to select.
Default Space Closure
List of spaces to delegate documents on creation to. Also works as a search space for upstream spaces.
Delegate Document Suppress Error Message Section
Controls if missing sections should render an error message (false) or just display nothing (true).
Delegate Space
List of spaces to delegate documents on creation to. Also works as a search space for upstream spaces.
list of space keys
Disable Document Name as Scroll Office Title
Controls whether or not the name of the document should be set as the title for Scroll Office.
Doctype Auto ID Pattern
Specifies the pattern for auto increments for a given doctype.
JSON, string
Doctype Common Team
Controls the name of a team to replace the name of a team member for certain use cases.
Doctype Document Name Pattern
Specifies a doctype-specific pattern to match against the title property to derive the name property of a projectdoc document.
Java RegEx
Doctype Document Name Pattern
Specifies a pattern to match against the title property to derive the name property of a projectdoc document.
Java RegEx
Doctype Document Name Pattern Group
Specifies for the name pattern the doctype-specific group to select.
Doctype Home
Controls the location of the homepage of a given document type. Use the identifier of the doctype.
Doctype Instances Localization Mode
Controls how document instances are located in a space.
Document Creation for Name List
Allows to configure the rendering of creation links for the Name List Macro (and its cousins).
Document Property Default Values
Specified default values are not rendered in the document properties table.
list of strings
Documentation JSON URI
The URI to a JSON document containing the URLs to the documentation for the blueprints.
Enable Heading Numbers
Controls whether or not section headings should be numbered. The numbers are added via CSS, therefore they won't work for export formats that do not take CSS into account.
Ensure Unique Element Ids
Transclusion macros ensure per default that the HTML element IDs are unique. This space property allows to override the default behavior.
Exclude Labels
Allows to control the parameter value of the Exclude Labels Parameter of the Tag List Macro.
The property to control how short description from the document properties tables within a space should be rendered.
Graph TypeSpecifies the type used for rendering graphs.
Heading Max Numbered
Controls the max depth to which headings are numbered.
Heading Starting Level
Controls the top heading level for a document.
Hide Document Type Box
The property to set the document type box displayed on each page to be hidden or not.
The property to set metadata in document properties tables to be hidden or not by default. May only be overridden if document properties macro specifies "override" to true or if the property is not set for the space.
The property to set metadata in document properties tables to be hidden or not for printing. Printing includes PDF, Word and HTML-Export.
Controls the standard intro text for aside panels.
Controls whether or not standard introductional texts should be shown in related information aside panels on home and index pages.
Materialize by Doctype
Specify which properties to materialize as artificial properties by doctype.
list of property paths
Max Initial Page for the Tasks Report Macro
Allows to specify the maximum number of pages matching the Where Constraint of the Tasks Report Macro.
Controls to render sets of metadata based on document properties.
Name List Default Box Style
Controls, the default whether or not the Name List Macro renders a small box around each entry. Its possible to overwrite this default for each doctype using the name-list-<doctype>-boxstyle space property.
Name List Macro Defaults-to Configuration
Configure the Defaults-to parameter of the Name List Macro.
Name List-Doctype Box Style
Controls, the default whether or not the Name List Macro renders a small box around each entry for a specific doctype. The default behavior is false and can be set to true by using the space property name-list-default-boxstyle.
Nexus Default Repo ID
The property points to the default Nexus repository. The identifier is used by the Nexus Macro to set a space-wide default.
Nexus Service
Contains the URL to the nexus service to download artifacts.
Pretend Being A
A switch to control the assumed role of the logged in user. The property is set as a property of the user's private space.
Print Quirk Modes
Controls which quirk modes are to be applied to adjust the output for a range of formats.
Project Artifact ID
The artifact identifier of the project. The value is used as a default value by macros referencing information systems.
Project Classifier
The classifier of the main artifact created by the project. The value is used as a default value by macros referencing information systems.
Project Group ID
The group identifier of the project. The value is used as a default value by macros referencing information systems.
Project Type
The type of the main artifact created by this project. The value is used as a default value by macros referencing information systems.
Project Version
The version of the project. The value is used as a default value by macros referencing information systems.
Queries Allow Execution of unconstraint Queries
Controls whether or not the execution of queries without constraints are allowed or not.
Quirk Breadcrumb Root Node Fix
Allows to render an additional node using the CSS class 'first'.
Quote Macro Render Date with Brackets
Controls the rendering of brackets around the date.
Quote Page Prefix
Specifies the prefix for specifying page locations for quotes and cites.
Quote Page Prefix Separate
Signals to insert a non-breaking space between the page location prefix and the actual page location information.
Quote Page Prefix Suppress on Letter
Signals to suppress the adding of the prefix, if the first character of the page location is already a letter. This is useful if the format of citing depends on a language, but there is a default language for the space.
Reference Space
List of spaces to include in downstream references. Use @all to refer to all spaces.
list of space keys
Render Counter Template
Provides a template to render the counter tracking elements of the Content Marker Macro.
HTML fragment
The property to control how the document properties tables within a space should be rendered.
Render Transclusion Box
Controls the rendering of transclusion boxes.
Search Space
List of spaces to include in downstream searches. Use @all to refer to all spaces.
list of space keys
Search Space Local
List of spaces to include in downstream searches to be used for the defining space only. Use @all to refer to all spaces.
list of space keys
Server Root Based
Skip rendering Counter Element
If counter elements are rendered purely by CSS styles, setting this flag to true prevents the rendering of the counter within its own HTML element.
Space Properties Extension
Links to documents that contain additional space properties. The order of the references to documents is important. The first location a value for a property is found, defines the value to the property. Later reference cannot override that value.
Space Properties Extension Doctypes
The property that stores the names of doctypes to take as space properties extensions into account, if found as children if the document this property is defined in.
Space Properties Extension Pattern
Stores the regular expression pattern to create a reference to a space properties extension.
regular expression as a string
Strict HTML Encoding
Controls to employ strict HTML encoding.
Subject Home
A space property to control the location of the homepage of a given subject. Use the name of the subject to define the space property name. The value is a link to the page to store documents associated with the specified subject. Only available for versions prior to 2.0.
Suppress Heading Numbers on Doctypes
Controls the suppression of heading numbers dependent on the doctype.
list of strings
Suppress Transclusion
Suppresses transclusions when set to 'true' on a space.
Suppress Transclusion Mode
Sets the mode for rendering transcluded content in transclusion suppression mode.
Table Merger Macro Param Discard
Allows to discard list items.
Table Merger override empty Items
Allows to override the hide empty lines configuration of the Table Merger Macro.
Transclusion Box Date Format
Controls the format of the date rendered on the transclusion box.
Date Format
Transclusion Box Suppress Date
Controls the rendering of dates on the transclusion box.
Transclusion Lines
Set the default value for selecting on line numbers.
Use Confluence Macro Style
Configuration to switch between our projectoc macro style in edit mode and back to the confluence default macro style.
Use Default Space
Controls, if the the default space (IDX) should be used as index space, in case no space is explicitly specified.
Use Delegate Space as Search Space
Controls, if the delegate space should be used as a search space in case that no search space is explicitly specified.
Use Document Heading Number
Controls whether or not the title of the document should have a heading number.

User Space Properties

Users may override space properties with their personal preferences. This is useful to override rendering options.

Add a document properties table to the user's homepage.

The example overrides one property: hide-metadata.


Space Properties
Properties may be set on space level and are inherited through space hierarchies.
Space Hierarchies
Organize spaces in hierachies with delegate and search spaces.
Using Space Properties
Space properties are defined for spaces and are accessed via the Space Property Macro. This tip goes into detail in how to use space properties with inheritence and extension pages.
Space Property
A property defined on the space homepage that takes effect on the space and delegating spaces.
Space Properties Extension
Information related to tools that allow to define space properties not necessarily on the space homepage.
Space Property Controls
Lists valid controls for properties to be used as space properties.
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